It hasn't been happening that much during the last month or so, but I decided to add few recommendations regarding to maps of Finland for foreigners and why not for others too, who might be in a need of checking a trail or even print some free maps for their trip. is maintained by Metsähallitus. From this page, it is possible to print topographic maps in sizes A4 or A3, and there's a possibility to add different kinds of layers to the map e.g. national parks, national routes, wilderness huts, state-owned hunting and fishing areas, and much more. This service is definitely a good choice for any type of outdoor enthusiast, but note that all the newest and smallest paths may not be found, as this is a free service and won't be updated so often. is maintained by National Land Survey of Finland. This site has a quite often updated topographic map and aerial image window, which is though quite small, so it's not that usable for printing maps. Still, it's a good service for checking some small details. is a more complex page, where it's possible to look for several different kinds of thematic maps of Finland not only the topographic or the road one. There are a huge variety of themes/layers available e.g. reverse color infrared aerial images, property borders, soil types etc. There is a free registration system and once you've got that it's possible to create map files up to the size of 1000x1000 pixels.
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