Monday, 15 February 2010

Snow sledge jumping on 9th February

On Tuesday 9th February, we built a sort of "big air" jumping stand for snow sledging with very soft landing, so it was actually a quite smooth jump. For one guy, the jumps were about a couple of meters long, but the best results were made by two guys on a snow sledge, when the jumps became about six meters or even longer away from the jumping stand.

The best results were gained with two on the sledge and a bit more speed

Just testing alone

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Almost a perfect day...


Today has been a quite busy day. At 10am, I went to Käpylä to the opening seremony of Scouting 100 years in Finland and hanged out with my scout friends and snow sledged few slopes.

At 12am, I found myself bouldering in Pasila's Cave. I warmed up some routes ( grades 4 - 5a ) and then tried to send a 6a+ on the 45 degree wall. I got just the fingertips of my left hand to the top and fell right after. At least, I'm enough hard for myself cause I don't really think that I made it clearly.... so hopefully some other time. Then, I had to stick to the "good old" 5c orange on the Battery wall.

All in all, I've developed enough well, although I'm a relatively new face in climbing...

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Getting my blog started

Today afternoon, I figured out that maybe I should also start to release a blog of my own. I got this idea, while I did snowshoeing in forests nearby my place. Hopefully, my blog will contain different kind of outdoor stuff in the future e.g. climbing stories, gear stuff, snowshoeing, snow sledding ( with a bit more attitude) etc.